Embodied Wisdom Circle 

20th April

In Person, Wokingham

Welcome to the Embodied Wisdom Circle ~ Tune into your body, tune into your love.  

We are living in times where attention is constantly pulled outward and it becomes likely that we start to live primarily from the mind and occasionally come into the body, often missing the signals and care that our bodies so need.

In our fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in the noise and distractions, living predominantly in our minds and occasionally tuning  into your body.  This is the status quo in our society,  living 'Top Down' and can lead us to overlook the vital signals and care our bodies long for. The Embodied Wisdom Circle offers a sanctuary—an opportunity to shift into a 'Body Up' approach, where we tune into the innate wisdom of our bodies, listening with intent and compassion. This is an act of self-love in action.

A Little Education!

By understanding how your unique body works, you will be better equipped to listen to yourself and take care of your needs, no matter how challenging life may become. I'll share simple (and powerful!) tried-and-tested methods to tune into your intuition and heed your body’s signals. I'll offer you insights from my own toolbox. Together, we'll explore practical, simple movements that can help you understand and regulate your nervous system and emotions. This isn't a biology lesson, but rather a journey into deeper wisdom from the inside out.

The Circle

There's a certain magic that unfolds when we transition from the day-to-day 'doing' and gather in a circle, choosing simply to 'be' together. Many describe this experience as a return 'home.' It's because we are naturally wired by evolution to gather. Within our little community, we will delve into the realms of Embodied Wisdom and Co-Regulation. Our remarkable nervous systems attune to each other, leading us to a deeper sense of presence. Co-regulation, by its essence, embodies what is beneficial not just for ourselves, but also for each other and the collective around us.

We Slow Down!

Slowing down enables us to become more present. Through this presence, we can tune into the whispers of our bodies and the innate wisdom they offer. You're invited to experience the transformative power of slowing down and resting, freeing your mind from the need to figure everything out. What a relief it can be!

We Experiment!

This circle is a space for experimentation. There's no rigid script to follow; instead, we embrace the unfolding moments. As we tune into the wisdom of the body, we let the mind take a back seat, listening to natural rhythms and following impulses. We honour the wisdom of the female body—its cycles, spirals, and magnificence—with curiosity and care. Joy is welcomed here. It's an opportunity to release tensions in your body and connect with others in a supportive and nurturing environment.

Being together in this way is truly one of the greatest gifts of our time. Let's embrace the mysteries of our bodies, hearts, and souls, one mindful breath at a time

It's time to reclaim your Embodied Wisdom.


For all women, regardless of age, race, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or religion, including those from the queer, non-binary, and trans communities. I am committed to creating inclusive and welcoming environments for everyone.


Date: 20th April
Time: 1pm to 4pm
Location: Sarvanga Yoga Studio, 20 Holme Grange Craft Village, Wokingham, RG40 3AW
Price: £44. Advance booking required using the form below.