If you suffer from persistent pain, illness or any other condition such as chronic fatigue, auto immune or stress that has affected your health then learning mindfulness skills can help you to improve the quality of your life and your health.

During sessions with Tanya you will learn:

  • How to manage pain, illness and fatigue in daily life
  • How to breathe into the present moment and find choice
  • Breath and body awareness
  • Gentle mindful movement and relaxation
  • Mindfulness meditation practice, including cultivating kindliness towards yourself and empathy for others

Mindfulness enhances self awareness of positive and negative states of mind in the day to day story of life. Mindfulness also teaches acceptance, building wisdom and grace to accept that which cannot be changed.

Clinical trials show that mindfulness improves mood and quality of life in chronic pain conditions such as fibromyalgia and lower-back pain, in chronic functional disorders such as IBS, and in challenging medical illnesses, including multiple sclerosis and cancer.

I am also living proof that you can live with a chronic health condition and still feel joy!


?70 for 90 minute session


?The suffering itself is not so bad, it?s the resentment against the suffering that is the real pain?   Allen Ginsberg